The Gojani familly
Mr. David Gojani , originally from village Marmull , Gjakova Municipality, for eight years had lived and worked in Lucerne, Switzerland – he had worked mostly in construction. During that time he has got married and got his first child.
He managed to get a lot of good friends on the community and had a good life there; however, he had always a dream, which was kilometers way back home on the village Marmull near Drini River, on a beautiful country site. His dream was “starting own farm”.
Year 1993, he came back from Switzerland, and started a dairy farm – at that time with only eight cows, selling only fresh milk. On his way to make the dream true, he companion of his wife Francika, who provide a tremendous help. Today, the couple shares the responsibilities within the company – Francika is the production manager, whereas David deals with sales and supplies.
For the extension of the farm, the Gojani’s got a grant from the organization CDF (Community Development Found) for purchasing equipment for milk processing, which helped them to expand business and produce other milk products as: cheese and yogurt. In addition, with own investment the family established a milk collection point with capacity of 3000 liters/day for collecting milk from the dairy farmers of the surrounding villages.
For the extension of the farm, the Gojani’s got a grant from the organization CDF (Community Development Found) for purchasing equipment for milk processing, which helped them to expand business and produce other milk products as: cheese and yogurt. In addition, with own investment the family established a milk collection point with capacity of 3000 liters/day for collecting milk from the dairy farmers of the surrounding villages.
Year 2014, the Gojanis’ Company, “DONI 3”, won a grant worth € 190,000 from the Ministry of Agriculture for co-financing a diary. The family invested own money for purchase of the land, while with grant new equipment will be purchased.
The family feels that Dream is now becoming a reality.
The Zefaj Gojani familly
On the village Moglica , Gjakova Municipality, Ms. Luljeta and Mr. Pren Zefaj have been enjoying the goods of their own work. The family with a lot of difficulties had started a small farm with nine cows. Mr. Pren had worked seasonally in Switzerland in order to earn enough money for the investments on the farm. In same time, Ms. Luljeta, back home kept things on-going both on the farm and with the family. She is a real example of the multiple priorities women, and sharing responsibilities.
Today they count thirty cows and they do sale milk to the biggest milk production factory. They are the owners of their own work.